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An Ancient Science

The seven main chakras are the energy centers or vortexes of energy placed within the spinal column which controls the 12 systems of the body.

The chakras are a wheel or disk that spin and draw in this energy to allow balance in the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health of the body which, makes them the most important parts of our lives.


These 7 Chakras originate in Eastern spiritual traditions that consider to be the basis of our human existence.  As of today, Western approaches emphasize on the chakras to be representations of the different aspects of our life and describe their function in terms of encompassing the psychological, physical, energetic, and spiritual.

Chakra: Service

Breath work is a great way to balance your chakras and help let go of any baggage that your holding onto within the body, whether past or present outcomes to allow us to live more in the present moment in a positive way and live the life you have always dreamed of.


"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without"

Chakra: Service





First Chakra (Muladhara)

The feeling of being grounded.  The role to connect all of your energy with the Earth.  The root chakra consists of your survival on earth.  This energy center gives you everything you need to survive, such as, financial, and emotional security.

The first chakra is located at the base of the spine, considerably at the coccyx.

Emotional Issues:  Financial independence, money, and food.


When the Root Chakra is Balanced

     1.  Sense of accomplishment

     2.  Financial stability

     3.  Safety

     4.  Shelter


You'll feel more connected to your human experience.


When the root chakra is overactive it gets alot of use, so having this chakra overactive is very common.


How To Know When The Chakra Is Overactive


The cause of anxiety and jitters occur, this happens because fear is based on surviving.  Fear's role is to keep us alive.  An overactive chakra gives messages of survival, even when no threat is truly there.  Physically you may experience digestive problems, lower back/hip pain, ovarian cysts, or prostate issues.


Bringing Your Chakra Back To Balance


Calm your chakra by focusing on your spirit connection.  Take the time to nurture your soul by praying, meditating or connecting to your spirit guides.  Volunteering or acts of kindness and compassion will help guide overactive energy away from the root chakra.


When The Chakra Is Under Active


If your survival needs have been taken cared of, this may not have been all that active throughout your life.

     This may result in:

       1.  Frequent daydreaming

       2.  trouble concentrating

       3.  felling like your heads

in the clouds

       4.  Air headed or spacey


These aren't major issues but its important to be balanced and connected.


How To Ground Yourself 


When you feel disconnected or notice heaviness in the legs or finding yourself losing control/imbalanced in your lower extremities, feet, or glutes, reconnect by being in nature, go for a hike, put your feet in the water or go swimming, go outside barefoot either in your yard or at the park and walk around or stand in the grass.  Meditating and being part of Mother Earth energizes and keeps you grounded from your everyday life experiences.




Chakra: Welcome


Second Chakra (Svadhishana)

The ability to accept others and new experiences, to have connection.  This is about your identity as a human.  The sacral chakra brings you creative energy to help enrich your life.  It is the creative life force energy that helps individuals enjoy their lives here on Earth.  The energy motivates you to enjoy the fruits of your labor, for instance, pleasurable activities like sex and intimacy.  The second chakra is located in the lower abdomen (below belly button) and extends to the center, 2 inches from the navel and 2 inches in.

Emotional issues:  Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, and sexuality.


When The Sacral Chakra Is Balanced

     1. You relish when life offers pleasurable things.

     2.  Sex, good food, and creative actions are inspiring and enjoyable.

     3.  Sense of wellness and abundance.


How To know When The Chakra Is Overactive


The sacral chakra is overactive when addiction and gluttony arises.  Pleasure is of course a good thing and you should never feel the guilt in enjoying the good things that life has to offer but, if things are't nourishing your soul or healthy for you, then your likely to be out of balance.


Symptoms For Instance:

     1.  Addiction

     2.  Obesity

     3.  Hormone imbalances

     4.  Restlessness


Bringing Your Chakra Back To Balance

When balancing the sacral chakra it is best to draw energy away from pleasure and toward the heart.


You can simply ask a question before taking any type of action.  For instance, ask yourself, "is this good for me"?  Is this healthy and nourishing?  How does this benefit me?


Taking time to assess your actions whether they are healthy is a good way to draw energy away from this chakra.


When The Chakra Is Under Active


When spending a lot of time focusing on practical things without enjoying the fruits of your labor, this will cause an under active chakra.


Symptoms include:

     1.  Depression

     2.  Impotence

     3.  Decreased sex drive

     4.  Lack of passion and creativity


How To Be Creative Or Pleasurable


This is a fun and simple way to be more energized in this area.  The key way is to enjoy life/  Create art, eat healthy and enjoyable snacks.  Make love to your partner in new places or different positions, try something that's out of your comfort zone, like ask someone to buy a coffee for you without feeling guilty about it.  Take time for you and enjoy the amazing gifts Earth has to offer you.


Chakra: Welcome


Third Chakra (Manipura)

To be self confident, identity and control of your life or personal power.  When you get that feeling of something being wrong this is usually called our "gut" feeling.  This is where your personal power comes from, in the solar plexus, and you can feel that confidence and wisdom directly in its location.  The solar plexus is located in the upper abdomen in the stomach area.  In the center of the belly button and extends up into the breastbone or where the two ribs connect in the center of the chest.

Emotional Issues:  Self-worth, confidence, and self-esteem.


When The Solar Plexus Is Balanced

     1.  Feel a sense of wisdom

     2.  Decisiveness

     3.  Power


How To Know When The Chakra Is Overactive


The solar plexus is overactive when the power extends into the lives of others.  When chakra is too energized, you feel quick to anger, to control and micromanage, greed and lack of compassion or empathy.



     1. Digestive issues may arise

     2. An imbalance in the internal organs (such as appendix, pancreas, liver,and kidneys).


Bringing Your Chakra Back To Balance


When you practice in opening up your heart with love and compassion this allows you to balance the third chakra.  Meditate on it, send love and kindness from your heart center to those around you.  Refocus your power and see yourself as love or beacon of light.


When The Chakra Is Under Active


When your power is taken away from a person or certain circumstances.  There would be a lack of energy in the solar plexus.


Symptoms include:

     1.  Indecisive

     2.  Insecure

     3.  Timid

     4.  Needy

How To Get Your Power Back

In order to get your power back do what your good at, do what you love, what are you passionate about? Make a list of talents that you like to do and feel the confidence that it brings in your life, this makes your stomach tingle or vibrate.  Empower yourself by creating the life you have always dreamed of with your own personal affirmations.    


Chakra: Welcome


Fourth Chakra (Anahata)

The ability to love, compassion and kindness are empowered.  This chakra is about loving others and loving yourself.  The chakra is associated with health and healing.  The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest, above the heart and down the breastbone, up to he throat. The heart center controls the higher chakras (heaven) and the lower chakras (the physical world).  


When The Heart Chakra Is Balanced


     1.  When you feel love equally towards yourself and others

     2.  You can see the compassion and kindness in others and when tough situations happen


How To Know When The Chakra Is Overactive

When overactive you lose personal boundaries and make unhealthy choices.

Its important to give yourself the same compassion and kindness as you do with others, but when overactive you may always put others needs first before your own.

Symptoms include:

     1.  Fast heart rate

     2.  Palpitations

     3.  Heartburn

     4  Interpersonal relationship issues


Bringing Your Chakra Back To Balance


When you want to balance your heart chakra its best to take the love you've given to others and focusing some of it back to yourself.  You can do this by doing one thing each day that's just for you.   

For instance:

     1.  Take a soothing bath

     2.  Get a massage or receive some Reiki healing

     3.  Send compassion to yourself through meditation


When The Chakra is Under Active


Life experiences can bring us a lot of heartbreak to allow us to learn and grow, teach us lessons about ourselves and the world around us.  But, it can be tough to not take life lessons personally.


When the heart chakra is under active, it'll feel hard to get close to anyone.  Its like putting a wall up around your heart and not letting anyone in.


Physical Feelings:

     1.  Out of touch with your body

     2.  Suffer circulation problems


How To Have More Love Towards Yourself


Many people have built walls and defenses around their heart that it may not always be easy to knock them down.  In order to do this it always begins with self love.  


Love yourself by showing appreciation towards yourself and give love to yourself the way you want others to give love to you.

Chakra: Welcome
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Fifth Chakra (Vishuddha)

Controls our way to communicate, gives a voice to your personal truths.  This allows you to speak your truth with clarity.  The fifth chakra rests right above the heart, this is connected to the compassion and love you have towards yourself and others.  The throat chakra is located in the throat, behind the tongue.  Between the collar bone and radiates down from the heart and up to the center of the eyes.  

Emotional Issues:  Communication, self expression of feelings and the truth.


When The Throat Chakra Is Balanced


In this area the chakra is able to clearly speak with love, kindness, and truth.  You'll know what words are appropriate for each situation  A balanced chakra will enlighten and inspire those that are around you.


How o Know When The Chakra Is Overactive


When too much time is being spent trying to make our voice be heard.


If felt ignored or invalidated when expressing yourself, you've tried to overcome it by making your voice louder.


Having an overactive throat chakra will interrupt others often and will often be told they are loud or "they love to hear themselves talk".  


Symptoms include:

     1.  Throat pain

     2.  Frequent infections

     3.  Cavities or mouth ulcers


Bringing Your Chakra Back To Balance


Think before you speak.  Before saying anything ask yourself:

     1.  Is it true?

     2.  Is his necessary?

     3.  Is it kind?


When The Chakra Is Under Active


Sometimes when ignored or invalidated we tend to do the opposite things such as shut our voices down and never speak up or speak our truth.


Most individuals consider you to being shy or quiet.  It may be hard to express your feelings or struggling to find the words your truly seeking to speak your truth.


Symptoms include:

     1.  Digestive Issues

The energy from the throat chakra that is diverted often gets "wallowed" or sent to the solar plexus (3rd chakra).


How To Speak Your Truth


When not around others, practice expressing how you feel and speak truly when alone.  Its common to think speaking freely is only spoken when someone is around to hear it, but this is untrue.  In order to energize your chakra it doesn't matter whether its by another or your own ear.  It's always good to write these things down in a journal or record your thoughts or even speak out loud to yourself, this is a perfect way to speaking your truth.

Chakra: Welcome
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Sixth Chakra (Ajna)

Ability to see the big picture.  The brow/third eye opens the mind beyond the material world and 5 senses.  This allows extrasensory perception, intuition or psychic abilities.  The pineal gland is a small pine cone shape gland in the brain that takes in light.  The pineal controls when awake in the day and sleepy at night.  Ancient cultures knew long before brain imaging that the 3rd eye existed and realized it gives downloads of information from sources beyond the five senses.  The third eye is located between the eyes or brow.  It radiates down the mouth to the top of the head.

Emotional Issues:  Intuition, imagination, wisdom, to think, and make decisions.


When The Throat Chakra Is Balanced


It's a beautiful experience and its what you look to achieve when going through your spiritual journey.  Your more in tune with the physical and material world equally when your third eye is balanced.  Frequent psychic information is received as you receive downloads from your 5 senses, this will not overwhelm you.


How To Know When The Chakra Is Overactive


When it comes to this chakra it is very unlikely that the brow/third eye is overactive.


Most beings can be very in tune with their physical reality and find it difficult to receive information outside of it.


This is likely to happen when the sixth chakra is overactive you spend a lot of your time in psychic activity such as tarot card readings, astrology, and paranormal experiences.


These activities can become overwhelming and distract us from living a human experience.


Bringing Your Chakra Back To Balance


If consumed with psychic information, remind yourself that you are part of the human world.


Remember to ground yourself, go to the beach, feel the sand between your toes or put your feet in the water.  Connect with Mother Earth each day.  Hug a tree or sit by a tree while reading a book or meditating.  Trees are a great way for healing and connecting with the Earth.  Also, when you do this repeat:  I am a human being or I am a spiritual being living a human experience.


When The Chakra Is Under Active


Most people on Earth have an under active chakra.  The world we live in often invalidate intuitive development.  When closing off your third eye or ignore your intuitive/psychic abilities can cause us to feel disconnected from spiritual experiences.  Headaches or problems with your allergies or sinuses may develop.


How To Balance Your Intuitive/Psychic Abilities


This will take some practice.  Devote some quiet time in your everyday life, meditating.  At first, start with focusing on signals outside of your physical body.  


Listen to how the spirit feels and recognize it.  The more you practice this, you'll find it to be easier to connect with your third eye.

Chakra: Welcome


Seventh Chakra (Sahaswara)

The highest chakra.  To be fully connected spiritually or pure consciousness.  Consciousness energy is everywhere and connects us to everything that the universe offers.  The crown chakra is located at the top of the head.  It radiates between the eyes and extends upward and outward, connecting energy to the rest of the universe.

Emotional Issues:  Outer beauty, the connection to spirituality, and pure bliss.


When The Crown Chakra Is Balanced


It's not easy to do but, when achieving balance in the seventh chakra is the goal to every spiritual being.


Once achieved, your not really human anymore, you have conquered suffering and death.


As we go through this journey to balance this chakra, it brings us happiness, good health, and wisdom.  Balancing the crown chakra will align and balance the rest of the other chakras.


How To Know When The Chakra Is Overactive


Its not possible to have an overactive chakra.


This chakra consists of universal energy, it is infinite.  You can't exist in the material world and overcome consciousness.


Bringing Your Chakra Back To Balance


Since there is no overactive crown, there's no need to think on how to calm the energy down.


When The Chakra Is Under Active


When the crown is under active this means your human.  Exactly as being a human.  Some may be close to achieving this, and others may be so far away.  Developing your spiritual work and balancing your chakras will bring you close to experiencing consciousness.


How To Balance Pure Consciousness


Focus on balancing the other 6 chakras that are centered along the spine that has been explained up above.

Chakra: Welcome


When chakras are blocked

Blocked energy in our chakras can often lead to illness, its very important to understand how the 7 chakras work and what you can do to keep this energy flowing freely.


If one of your chakras spins quickly, blocked, or moves slowly, your health will suffer.


When you learn about the 7 chakras, you will become more in tune with the energy cycles of your body.


When you can connect the physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances with the chakras that empower them, you can learn to balance the 7 chakras and live a healthy and harmonious life.

Ways To Open The 7 Chakras


Breath Work

     Breath work is a very powerful way to help open and balance your chakras.  Check above for more information to learn more about breath work.



     A great way to balance your chakras.  You can meditate while sitting, walking, laying down flat on your back with spine straight or staring at a candle.  There are many ways to meditate.

     For Instance:

          Guided Meditation

          Crystal meditation- Our energy and the crystals energy combine as to which affect our mental and physical health.  Using crystals can promote energetic movement and open up our chakras.

          Mudras and Mantras

               Mudras- Hand positions which help open the chakras.  Perfect way for meditation.

               Mantras- Sound, word or phrase while chanting as you meditate.  Each chakra has their own mudras and mantras.  Experiment with them and see how you feel towards them.


Reiki Healing

     Spiritually guided life force energy.  This technique helps with stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing.  If your energy is low you develop sickness or feel stress and if high, you are more likely to be happy and healthy.


Chakra: Service

Kokoro Bodywork         

368 Sea View Dr.                            

Warwick, RI 02889                          


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     Call/Text:  401-347-6495

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